Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Supporting the LGBTQA+ Community

So when I stepped onto the treadmill at the gym today, I turned on the small television that is in place before all the machines in the cardio room, and plugged in my earbuds. The station it turned to was the news, and they were discussing how both trans teenage girls and boys are being highly discriminated against in schools. And it got me to thinking.... And I just really would like to get myself out there and stand up for the LGBTQA+ community. I mean, schools are denying trans teenagers from being on sports team and fellow students are criticizing them for being in the same locker room. But that's denying basic human rights! And I think if this is what makes somebody happy, then you should be able to be whoever you want. Because what's the point of living life miserably? And self-esteem is so low for trans kids, all because of the trials they have to endure for being "different". A trans girl on the news program I was watching cut herself because of the tremendous pressure she was put through. You know, this is why the T.V. series "I Am Jazz" was so great. It promoted the idea that, hey, she's still la normal teen just like anybody else and gender identity doesn't matter. And, guys, imagine what life would be like if being LGBTQA+ was the norm, and being straight was stepping out of line. Honestly, if I could, I would change everything and make it all okay. *tear streaming down face* *hugs to the entire LGBTQA+ community* Lots of love. The way I see it, just because you may not believe in this sort of thing doesn't mean that you can't be nice.

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