Monday, March 28, 2016

I Stopped Taking My Antidepressants

I've been on fluoxetine since October. But then my psychiatrist moved offices and since he can't prescribe me anything more, I've run entirely out of stock of my antidepressants. And now my depression's back in full force. And here I was, thinking I was cured, that I was alright. I feel weak, knowing the only thing keeping me from sadness is a little pill. I now remember how crippling it is. I woke up this morning wanting to stay in bed all day,no interest in eating, wanting to cry at having to do my schoolwork at all. Everything seems to be too much. I cried last week, too, at the slightest thing. And I shook it off as post-period feels...until now, and I connect it with my withdrawal of a month, give or take. Not only did it help with my depression, it completely obliterated my bulimia. After a few weeks on it, I kinda trickled off with my habits, and then it suddenly stopped. No more throwing up. Not even an urge to stick that tricky finger down my throat. Just like that, like a light switch. And I was contemplating it all spring break. Oh, goodness. I'm a mess again. I thought I was alright, and now this. I just want to sit in the dark beneath my sheets forever, just sit there. Be alone. It hurts to know that I can't conquer my demons on my own, that I need medication to wash it away. I don't think I can handle anymore of this without my medication. I'm bursting into tears as I type this, the tears blurring my vision, making all these typed lines blur together. Goodness, I need more medication.....or at least something to take my mind off everything. Some Lush. Something.

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