Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lush Review: Brightside Bubble Bar

Oh, snap. The best decision I EVER made was to buy the Brightside Bubble Bar. It has a very sweet and uplifting orangey scent that I was automatically attracted to. It retails for $11.95, but it's HUGE and can be used for several baths, so in my opinion, it is well worth the cost. I had a grueling workout today via Just Dance 2016 (which I may or may not be reviewing later on) and I smelled like greasy Wendy's french fries, so I wanted to take an enjoyable and relaxing bath. I decided to get out my Brightside bubble bar. I put it beneath the faucet as the tub filled up with hot water, and almost immediately the water began to turn this lovely, vibrant orange. Once it softened a bit, I crumbled about a fourth of the bar into the tub and put the remainder of the bar out to dry. My current Snapchat story is filled with pictures of my bath. It smelled just as strong as the bar had originally, and it was like bathing in orange juice. Oh, and the bubbles were absolutely fantastic! So many came from just a tiny portion of the bar, and it was absolutely breathtaking. This Lush product really packed a punch. I soaked in it for a good hour and a half, purely enjoying myself, until my fingers were completely pruned up. Once I exited the tub, my skin was soft and supple, and still smelled faintly of orange. There is a tiny bit of cleanup to do afterwards, as some of the bubbles collected around the rim once the water had been drained, not to mention the fact that bubbles were all over me, too!!! But, it's an easy fix with a little bit of water to coax it down the drain. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Brightside. 5/5 for me. It was lovely. I loved it.  I could imagine it going well with Avobath, or perhaps Yuzu and Cocoa Bubbleroon, and You've Been Mangoed luxury bath melt. Anything citrus, I think, would mix smoothly. I highly recommend this Lush product, and to be honest, now that I've tried it out, I'm tempted to go out to the mall and buy some more Lush products. Maybe splurge a little bit. We'll see.

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