Friday, February 26, 2016

Dear Killer Literature Review

"I know how to surprise somebody. You just gotta stab them."
Those are the words of my nine year old sister. I'll be watching out for her on April Fool's Day, for sure. Which leads me into the review of the day...
"Dear Killer" was a book that I knew I wanted to read the moment I picked it up in my local library. I have only praise for this particular book. Written by Katherine Ewell, the main character, Kit, is a teenage serial killer. I've never read a book with the point of view being...well, a killer. I was very intrigued by the Kit's thoughts, and how she justified murder. It truly was an interesting read, to get inside the mind of the killer. I also felt that the other characters were well thought out and developed smoothly throughout the book. The ending was very satisfying, at least for me. The only thing I'll say is, I like when the main character has a little bit of...well, we'll say, trouble, at the end. "Dear Killer" is probably the most intriguing and captivating book I've read in a long time, and for that, I give this literature pick a 5/5 star rating. I definitely recommend it. Trust me, you won't regret it.

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