Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why People Don't Open Up

My best friend has an issue with opening up, and being herself. Not exactly with telling things, but more of acting herself. And thinking on the issue, I thought up a list on why exactly a lot of people don't open up more to others, their reasons for being the way they are. In fact, my closest guy friend seems to also have a hard time opening up to me as well. First of all, I don't think that being open with somebody is pouring out your entire soul, every secret you've ever kept, to everybody you meet. But to me it seems as though most people don't like to truly be themselves and voice their thoughts and whatnot because they're insecure. I mean, that used to be me. I was so afraid that I'd be judged. I felt as though my thoughts and my opinions were stupid. I didn't like myself enough to meet new friends and truly live. I was my own worst enemy, and I think that's the problem with lots of people. And then other people blame it on other people, or their personality. And I do get having trust issues. People can so easily hurt you, beat you down, and permanently get your soul down. I mean, rape's not going to go away, as much as I wish I could banish it for all time. And as for people, I think it really just takes time to get used to a normal living routine once again. And as for the personality thing, I don't know. I mean, the grass is always greener on the other side. I think both introverts and extroverts may blame being closed off on just that- being an introvert or an extrovert. And I know it's hard either way because I've been both, but really, I think it just takes some practice and going out of your comfort zone to fix that right up. And yeah, being yourself can feel extremely vulnerable, but it's the true, real you, and it's the part of you that really matters the most, because it is you. I'm not saying everything must be revealed to be open, that you have to behave the worst you possibly can or anything. I'm saying, be genuine, because people will notice that quality about you, and will really respect and love you for it.

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