Sunday, March 15, 2015

Group Projects: The Devil's Seed

Is it just me, or do group projects suck? I recently just finished a couple of group projects in several of my classes. I'm at my wit's end. I'm not afraid to admit that I'd really like to punch somebody in the face right now. Or maybe that's just my period talking....ha ha. When teachers announce that, "Group projects will help you in the real world!" and that, "It's more fun to work with others!" I just want to roll my eyes and walk out of the classroom Right. That. Instant. You know what I mean? I want to get all sassy, give people some gossip to talk about, and leave my good girl image in the dust for a single day. Every time a new group project is assigned, I can feel my stress levels crushing me and breaking my soul into little bits and pieces, until I'm wasted away to nothing....You see how depressing and morbid that is?! I swear that school is ruining my childhood. And if stress or anxiety was a literal weight on my back and shoulders, I'd be lugging around a sumo wrestler for most of my days. This metaphorical sumo wrestler has probably made me tough, but everyone has a breaking point, when you simply can't take it anymore. While I'm furiously scribbling out notes and researching my jean-clad booty off, my partners are daydreaming of lemon drops and sunshine, of sparkles and glitter, unicorns and rainbows.....all that fluffy kid stuff that I assume makes up the life of a social butterfly. These sorts of people stick by the hakuna matata motto so faithfully that it's like they've come straight out of the Lion King movie, the reincarnations of Timon and Pumbaa. I'd like to pull out my hair, but if I did that I'd have gone bald a long time ago. It just frustrates me that while I'm typing up information like a maniac, summarizing paragraphs that have been plagiarized because some of my peers are too lazy to rack up information on their own, everyone around me sits there, as if their lives are wasted away already in this insane asylum. I work long hours on group projects, energized late at night by high-calorie snacks that inject unhealthy amounts of sugar into my blood, and the other members of my team get credit for my work?! Hmmm...... a clever nickname for me might be Atlas, the Greek titan who holds up the weight of the heavens. After all, I do hold up the weight of grades on the brink of failing for those that don't have the brains or determination to do their share of work in life. Their loss- I am quite the conversationalist (that's a lie) and have killer blue eyes, or so I'm told. So, the next time YOU have to do a group project, correct your teacher when they announce it. Group projects are actually "I'll do everything while one person sort of helps and everyone else does nothing like raisins on a log project." that I ranted about an inconvenience of life, I feel better......for now. Mwahaha *evil laugh*    

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