Friday, March 20, 2015

Beauty :*

In the last ten minutes of school today (minimum day dismissal- YES!!!!) my class watched a video that didn't relate to math or science at all, really, but just because our substitute teacher was cool like that. It was a TED TALK video on Youtube. The topic was Beauty Isn't Everything and was talked about by the model Cameron Russell. After the nine minutes were over, the sub told us to quit worrying about our bodies, that we shouldn't have to deal with that. She said that she'd hated her body in the middle and high school years, and that it would be wiser if we learned to live without worrying about such things and that you need to learn to love yourself. Basically, to have a good time and appreciate what you have. So, that was my fifteen-minute life lesson of the day for you, but it's so true. Everybody's insecure, even models. We've just got to learn to love ourselves, I guess. I just  hope everyone can get there eventually. I know I'm still not, but I'm working towards being happier with myself :)

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